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HO,HO,HO! Is not early for gifts, so Santa brought us a one or was it P!atd?✨

Finally this time has come. No more feeling of that you need to run somewhere in the early morning. You can go to sleep late and wake up late, sounds perfect for me, and I hope for you too. So, since Christmas are this weekend, I thought about bringing some holiday spirit in here. I would like to say this is my present for you, but actually it is not, I mostly help spread that particular artist's gift for all of us.

I don't know, but I hope you know and love such an amazing punk band like Panic! at the Disco. I am a big fan of them and Brendon Urie* I guess, I just have a some kind of kink on singers with unusual voice and big vocal range* And since I've been asking you guys what would you want to read about this week, and you agreed with Xmas songs, so I started looking for a good one. Trust me, this is hard since a lot of artists released Christmas albums and all that stuff. So Brendon literally saved me.

This song Feels like Christmas is a present from Brendon Urie to all of us. He been working on it for some time and I would like to say that this song is all the way original and new to charts, plus P!atd put their Live from the Death Of A Bachelor Tour on YOUTUBE, which I consider as a gift too. But lets get back to Feels like Christmas what hit me by surprise, unexpectedly and shocking. It might look weird to some people to hear Christmas songs by punk/rock/alternative bands, but come on, Xmas is for everyone, and let me tell you, this sounds fresh and swanky. This song has festive mood because of how many times word "Christmas" is said, those slight bells through the song and old tune at the beginning. But everything is spiced up with that pop-rock, jazzy-funk beat and harmonies. It doesn't sound aggressive like other Panic! at the Disco songs might sound. I absolutely like how Brendon plays with melody in verse, like, you know when parents read stories for kids and try to make every character sound different, so they play with their voice? Mr. Urie does the same and this is stunning.

Don't know if speaking about lyrics has topicality, because it is obvious that P!atd sing about Christmas joy, how amazing it is to wait for Santa and presents and all, but what make this song sweet is that it more important who you spend these holidays with. I think, Brendon trying to say that just being with person you really love and care about will make you feel like you live in Christmas. So this is not important what day of the year it is, with that person you will feel festive, comfy, nostalgic, happy-like firework. And he put all the Christmas essentials in this song-Santa, chimney, mistletoe, Xmas tree, presents, stars etc.

I would definitely put that record on at Christmas Eve and the best part of Feels like Christmas is its adaptability. It doesn't matter if you have a big party going on with a lot of people around and you want to light up the mood in the air ,so you can dance and sing along or you spending this precious time with loved ones with a lot of hot chocolate(or something stronger) near fireplace. It will suite in all circumstances all you need right people around you.

I hope you will like this present from Panic! at the Disco as I did. Wish you all Merry Christmas, to spend and share this amazing time of the year with people you love and care about and who feel mutual. A bit childish, but wish you a lot of presents even if it will be a simple candy cane, don't forget that this is also important. Make a wish and whisper it to the stars so it will definitely come true. Have a great time and see ya soon 😉 Toodles!

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