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Moving on from winning a TONY to writing a debut album - Sing To Me Instead by Ben Platt

Hello everyone! I am back and ready to share new music with you. I think you might be surprised a bit, since I mostly write about indie music or rock genre variations, but this one is completely different this time.

I tell this about myself almost everyone and all the time, but I am a musical theatre geek, whether is stage or screen. So that make me follow a lot of brilliant actors that tend to be also the greatest singers. But not all of them make and drop a full album that shakes all of my insides. And here I am talking about one particular artist, Ben Platt. Same Ben Platt that is a Pitch Perfect star, that is a Broadway star and TONY AWARDS winner and now he is releasing his first full solo album Sing To Me Instead.

Well, maybe I am overreacting here by being so surprised, cause I heard that Mr. Platt is cooking something for all of us for some time, but that doesn't make me less excited.

Ben Platt already released his two songs - Ease My Mind and Bad Habit (which also includes music video). These song are so passionate and alive, all the emotions just pouring out with every word. Even though, people might consider it as a pop ballad, I like to call it a perfect mix broadway and acoustic pop. Because main focus in both songs stays on vocals and piano lead melody, which makes a perfect balance. Nothing extra, no electro sound effects that would turn it into something else. I guess this can be defined as Ben Platt's personal music performing style.

Cannot forget to say, that I was absolutely kindly impressed how much of himself Ben puts into music, gives all of him completely. This is the kind of energy that totally draws attention to listen and desire to feel all of the emotions he lives in there. I hope that I could here more of it when the full album will be released.

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